Monday, 11 October 2010

Starting out

This blog starting now will be a compilation of poems or simply phrases based around a keyword.

As a student I've written a few poems of my own, but I never stuck to it, so this blog will be a test of my ability to compose poems at a speed I'm agreeable with and to focus on a task long enough to complete it.

For now, I'll just try my hand at it and rely on my friends for inspiration, but you're welcome to leave any word you'd like to see a poem about.

I'll bet some of you are going to give me some ridiculously difficult or silly words, like grandiloquence or supercalifragilisticexpialidocious or placenta or phlegm, and I probably won't try to attempt writing anything about that unless I'm seriously intoxicated. While I hope to come to a point where I've written about everything under the sun and have no choice but to try, please try to be nice at the beginning.

I've told some of my friends this, but the reason why I've suddenly gone off my rocker and started this was meeting Russel, the guy with the typewriter at the National Art Gallery's open house. This dude is from the Proletariat Poetry Factory, which is some cool stuff. Though to be honest what actually caught my eye in the first place was the first word, which stood out like a beacon after all those referrals to Marxist theory in our lessons.

From now I'll stop my rambling, that's not what this blog is all about :D

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